Hello and Welcome!

So if you’re here it probably means that your life is as boring as mine. Doesn’t it suck to have a boring life? To have absolutely nothing to do besides watch series and stay in bed? Don’t get me wrong, I loveeeee staying in bed and watching series, but trust me, after a while it gets boring.
I used to take pride in being a loner.  I was happy with my own company and also, my cat.  After a while though, when I moved to the US, it started getting dull. See, back home I had friends.  We used to go out on the weekends and just do stuff teenagers do, but like less exciting. Like go to the beach and talk in the middle of the night.  That’s all we used to do really, go somewhere and talk. We all enjoyed it though. Knowing we had someone to listen to us when no one else would.  Anyway, back to how staying in got dull after a while.
After every hang out, I used to go back to my bed and watch series or read or just stay in bed.  The thing is that it was AFTER I had spent the night with someone. AFTER I had fun with my friends. AFTER I wasn’t alone for literally a whole day. Here, I go to work and then I come back home and it’s the same old routine every single day. I used to love routines.  Everything was organized and easy, and safe.
Back home I used to go to university too.  In which I also had friends and even though there weren’t many, I had human contact with someone other than my mom or my siblings. Now everything is boring. I have no one to talk to. I have no friends, but I’m also afraid of meeting someone and getting close to them because I’m moving in two months and I don’t want to leave anyone behind that will make me moving a whole lot harder.
So here’s my dilemma. I have no friends, I want friends, but at the same time I don’t because I don’t want to miss anyone when I move. You understand me? I don’t know, I don’t even understand me.
Charlie ♡


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